
Wednesday, April 29, 2020

"Learning from home" Maths

This week's math challenge is drawing any pictures we like and make up questions for it, here are my questions can you guess the answer ?

1. How many stars can you see ?
2. How many small stars can you see ?
3. How many big stars can you see ?

4. How many Pak'n"Save stick figures can you see ?
5. How many legs can you see altogether ?

6. Can you tell me how many X and O's can you see altogether ?
7. How many X's can you see ?

8. How many shapes can you see ?
9. How many sides does the shape triangle have ?
11. Does the shape circle have sides ?

12. How many lollipops can you see ?


  1. What great questions Darius. I really liked your pak'n'save stick figures. Next week we will have another activity similar to this and also a dice game.

  2. Well Done Darius. It is great to see all the work you are doing at home and the great questions you have come up with.

    Mrs Millward


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